If you are a heavy person or you are in search of an outdoor item for a heavy friend or family member, here you will find a few exceptionally strongly built outdoor products for sleeping and sitting.
When this is about outdoor furniture for heavy people, no doubt camping chairs and camping cots are the most important items to check. So here I have selected three from each of the two groups of products. All of them are built so that they can support even the heaviest possible users. By this I mean the following:
- The camping cots in the list below are all with a weight capacity of up to 600 pounds (272 kg).
- The camping chairs presented here can support a weight in the range of 600 – 800 pounds (272 – 363 kg).
So here they are, first camping cots ordered alphabetically, and then camping chairs ordered by the weight capacity from lower to higher:
1. ALPHA CAMP Oversized Camping Cot

This cot is fully folding, and this means that all its elements are preattached to each other and there is no assembly. You simply open this construction in seconds. It folds nicely, and its folded size is 41.3 x 9.5 x 5.9 inches (105 x 24 x 15 cm).
As you realize from the picture above, the cot has no less than 10 legs, plus all those support bars. So this is a very strong steel construction. This is why it is here, its official capacity is 600 lb (272 kg) and there is no doubt it can support such a weight.
The bed size is 74.8 x 26.4 inches (190 x 67 cm) so it does not look very long but note that there are no end bars here. Yet another useful detail is the integrated headrest so you can perhaps manage even without a pillow.
2. Coleman Big-N-Tall Cot

Here you have a very typical military-style cot, and this means the bed is with a frame where the two end bars have to be attached when you need a bed for sleeping. All other elements in the structure remain pre-attached. This makes it a collapsible cot with a simple assembly.
As you see in the picture, each of the two end-bars is longer on one side, this is to have a grip because a bit of force is required to put them in place, due to tension in the fabric.
The official capacity is 600 lb (272 kg). Note also that this is a very long cot with a total length of 84 inches (213 cm), but it is also quite heavy 35.2 lb (16 kg).
3. Teton Sports Outfitter XXL Cot

This impressive cot could also be placed in the group of military-style cots, so the bed has a frame, but note that its strong legs are S-shaped. The cot weighs 26 lb (11.8 kg) so clearly, it is heavy, but this structure supports up to 600 pounds (272 kg).
The bed size is also incredible, you have 85 x 40 inches (216 x 101.6 cm), so this is also a camping cot for very tall people. The cot comes with a pivoting arm, you can see it as a red piece in the picture. This makes its setup very easy and no need to use force when you attach the second end-bar and put it in place.
4. Guide Gear Oversized XXL Rocking Camp Chair

This chair is impressive in many ways, but let me start with its capacity which is 600 lb (272 kg). It is also very large, hence the letters XXL in the name. So the dimensions are (W x D x H) 33 x 33 x 44 inches (84 x 84 x 112 cm). The backrest is high so you have a good headrest. This is why I have included it also in my list of chairs with headrest.
As you realize from the picture, this is a rocker chair, and I have all the good reasons to include it in my list of best rocking camping chairs. Note also that it is padded, and you have molded solid armrests.
5. ALPS Mountaineering King Kong Camping Chair

This chair is one of the strongest on the market, its official weight capacity is no less than 800 pounds (363 kg) capacity. No doubt, it can support the heaviest possible users.
For such a capacity, I would say the weight is reasonable, it weighs 12.5 lb (5.7 kg). This is a strong steel structure, and this is a camping chair for places with a car access. As you realize from the picture, it is fully padded as well.
What you also see in the picture are its cup holders and pouches on both sides, but there is also a storage pocket on the back. The chair has been on the market for a number of years and there are thousands of reports around, so you know what you are buying. The brand behind the chair is known for the quality of its outdoor products.
6. Browning Camping Kodiak Chair

This chair comes with a mesh on the seat and on the backrest, so it is perfect for warm weather conditions. But do not be fooled by the mesh, this chair has a huge weight capacity, officially it supports users of up to 800 lb (363 kg), so you will never need more.
This chair is a folding type, so it spreads like an umbrella, there is no assembly, all these elements are preattached to each other. Note that you have an insulated cooler on one side, plus dual cup holders, and a storage pouch is on the back. A carry bag is included.
The chair weighs 13 lb (5.9 kg) and the dimensions are (W x L x H) 38 x 20 x 38 inches (97 x 51 x 97 cm).
Final thoughts
So this was my list with best outdoor furniture for heavy people, and you realize there are several truly great options here, the best-known products of this type on the market. You can order a combination of a cot and a chair, you will need them in the camp.
Now, what would be the best chair & cot combination? The focus of this text is on the capacity, and you have seen that all of them are with a huge capacity, so any will do the job. But there are differences in the dimensions, and this holds for both cots and chairs. So if you are a tall person, make sure you chose the size appropriate to you.
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